CASE officially launched our Zombie Sex Tips Halloween campaign last Monday, October 20, 2014. This concept is original and was created and designed by the CASE team. In addition to having three of these posters throughout Mac Hall, we have a display up Clubs House glass case until Halloween weekend. We will also have information booths in Mac Hall, ICT and Residence on the 30th and 31st. Additionally, we will have street teams handing out goody bags with candy, condoms and bookmarks with information about consent.
We want to start a conversation about why people find it so necessary to use alcohol when pursuing sexual relationships. We recognize that our society is not comfortable talking about sex in a healthy way in general, creating barriers between and among partners in discussing what they want and their boundaries. We want to empower people to talk about their sexual relationships without such a heavy focus on alcohol to facilitate the dialogue. When people rely on alcohol to facilitate sexual encounters, there is an increased chance of committing sexual assault because, legally, someone cannot consent to sex when they are intoxicated. Additionally, alcohol is classified as a drug and is thus a prevalent date rape drug. In our media we see many narratives where people think it's acceptable to try to get someone drunk enough to "hook up." We want students to realize these narrative are incredibly unhealthy. When you use alcohol to impair someone's judgement and coerce them into sexual activity, it is sexual assault. Our goal is to empower students to critically think about this issue, start conversations with each other about alcohol and sex, and promote healthy relationships and sexuality.
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July 2016